
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

One of the ways I am able to stay connected to God and His Word is through daily devotions. I utilize the YouVersion Bible app on my phone to find devotion series on any topics I may be struggling with or need encouragement on at any given time. By no means am I perfect and sometimes what I struggle with is finding time for my daily devotion, which is why I’ve decided to start sharing the different series that I go through in hopes to help hold me accountable for finding time for God’s Word each day. And hopefully you’ll be able to take something away from my recap of each series too or even just use it as a reference to tackle the series on your own!

The most recent series I’ve finished is a motivational series entitled “Back to Life” and is written by Susan Deborahs.


Day 1 – Back to Life

Forget our failures, mistakes, shortcomings, broken relationships, hardships, and strife. God is constantly restoring us to the perfect vision and plan He has set out for us.

“And He said to me, ‘Son of man, can these bones lives?’ So I answered, ‘O Lord God, You know.'” – Ezekiel 37:3

This days’ devotion really reminded of and the message tied very well with the song “Come Alive” by Fresh Life Worship. And oddly enough we had just sung this one in church the day before reading this!


Day 2 – Rooted

Roots have a very large responsibility. They absorb all the nutrients needed for a tree to sustain its life and grow and prosper. How similar it is for our lives. If we’re rooted in the evil ways of sin and darkness and our roots are constantly absorbing toxins, how prosperous will we be? But, if we’re rooted in Christ’s Word and regularly read, study, and live His Word, we will flourish.


Day 3 – Identity

We are not defined by how the world sees us but rather how God sees us. And what does God see when He sees us? A forgiven, perfect, and loved child.

“Who you are in Christ is one of the most important revelations you can get from the word of God. It’s not enough to just know, but you must believe who God says you are because it is your true identity.”


Day 4 – Agree With God

Our own minds are often our most dangerous battlefields. How easy is it for the devil to convince us to agree with the wicked ways of the world, rather than the life God calls us to live? We must align our minds with the Lord and His Word in order to fight off Satan’s temptations. 

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–His good, pleasing, and perfect will.” -Romans 12:2


Day 5 – Loved Back to Life

There’s nothing that we can do to earn the love that God has for us. He just loves us. His love for us doesn’t change or shift because of our attitudes or actions. It’s constant – the same each day. God’s love is unconditional. No matter how many times we screw up, no matter how hard we try to live up to His perfect expectations and fail, He still loves us because of Jesus’ sacrifice.

“God loves the me, now.

His banner over me is love.

He is committed to me and He is for me.”


Father, thank you for showing me my identity in You, that I am a called servant of God. Continue to show me that I am unique and that you have a very specific path paved just for me. Please come alive in me that I may have the passion and motivation to do the work You have set out for me to do. Amen