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You’re fastened in, thousands of feet in the sky. You’ve given up all control to the one behind the wheel. And all you can do now is pray.


Is it odd that one of the places I feel most connected to God is on an airplane? There’s just something about moving at a zippy speed, high up in the sky, with absolutely no control over where I’m going that forces me to slow down and sit with the Lord. 


But flying in a way is similar to a journey with the Lord, yeah? No, I don’t mean that you can pay a price, give God some money and now you get to determine where He takes you next. I mean, simply stepping aboard His plane, taking your seat, and letting Him navigate.


Can it be scary? Absolutely! You’ll certainly hit some turbulence along the way, forgetting that your perfect pilot can fly you through anything. 


Can it be uncomfortable? Absolutely! You’ll wrestle to win the armrest with the person next to you. At times you’ll squirm trying to find peace and rest on your journey. Most of all, your feet will cramp sitting underneath the weight of all the baggage you’ve brought on board.


But is it worth it? Absolutely! Through all the fear and discomfort, His voice comes over the intercom system saying, “Don’t worry, I got this.” While you rush to finish your crossword puzzle or that last audit work paper, He says, “Be still and enjoy the view” and shows you magnificent sights you never in a million years would have seen standing in your own two shoes.


So I tell you, His plane is boarding. Will you take your seat?

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