2020 was quite the year, it only seemed fitting that I make a video about it! So here it is: MY YEAR 2020 | MY BEST YEAR YET and the script I used to voiceover the video to share why this was such a special year for me. Hope you enjoy!
“So you want to know about my year? Well here it is. I completed a marathon (kind of). Jumped off a waterfall. Celebrated the marriage of friends. I moved out of my house. Traveled to 28 different states. Met a bunch of awesome people. Learned to wakeboard. Played the guitar on a mountain. And made some videos.
Full transparency, this was shaping up to be just another cliche travel video. A year-end video highlighting my adventures and all the dope places I got to go to. But there’s more to it than that, right? There has to be. It was 2020. A crazy year filled with events and circumstances no one even thought imaginable.
So I asked you, describe your year 2020. Here’s what you said:
Grounding, Intentional, Growth, Audacious, Life-changing, Exciting, Social, Beneficial, Freeing, Disruptive, Humbling, Adventure, Unexpected, Quarantine, Challenging, Eventful, Big Decisions, Exhausting, Pandemic, Lost, Chaotic, Relentless, Heartbreaking, Nightmare, Stifling, Zoom, BLM, Mask, Social Distance, Transformative, COVID, Burn, Fire, Explosive, Change, Tik Tok, Netflix, Closed, Cancelled, Equality, Legalization, Hurricane, Election, Death, Justice, Travel, Unemployment
While these are all very accurate portrayals of the year we’ve had, none truly reflected my year.
Yes, my year was filled with growth and intentional pursuit of a deeper relationship with the Lord.
Yes, my year was flipped upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. I spent nine months working remotely from “home” rather than in the office or at client sites.
From an extremely last second road trip to Florida to numerous backpacking treks to a 4 week journey throughout the entire western United States to a month on the lake in Virginia, my year was certainly filled with adventure.
But more than anything else, my year was changed by the people who worked, grew, and adventured alongside me these last twelve months. I signed up for the World Race with no idea that the people I’d meet would be the community I never knew I needed before we even stepped foot outside the country. This community has taught me that when you build relationships centered around the Lord, there’s no telling what might happen. You find yourself tearing down years of walls built up to protect yourself from vulnerability, taking risks and venturing miles outside your comfort zone, ripping off masks you’ve put on to hide your true self, and on your face in worship and prayer to the One who makes it all possible.
So here’s to 2020. A year spent discovering His wonder. My best year yet.”
I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who made this year what is was. I’m so thankful to all the new friends I met this year and the community we’ve built together. I’m so blessed to know you all!
Here’s to 2021 and FINALLY launching on the World Race!!! Happy New Year!