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What a simple question. So it should be a simple answer too, right? 


For the last year and a half I’ve dreamed of going on this mission trip around the world. Thoughts of getting out from behind my cubicle desk and serving ministries in various different countries crowded my thoughts day and night. But recently this question has plagued me and over the last few weeks I’ve been making this question all too complicated.


What’s my purpose? 


Am I really making a difference?


Am I only doing this to run away from my life back home?


What if the Lord doesn’t show me what to do with my life in this year and I just go right back home to what I was doing before?


Notice any similarities between all of those questions? I’ll give you a hint: they’re all centered around me…


Here’s the simple truth on this Easter Sunday: I’m here because He’s no longer there. I’m here because Jesus is no longer on the cross. Jesus is no longer in the grave. 


He lives.


It’s because of these two words I have life eternal and freedom from death. This is the sole reason I am here. To tell others of His atoning sacrifice and His unconditional love.

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